What is Thrive?
Thrive® promotes children’s and young people’s positive mental health by helping adults know how to be and what to do in response to their differing and sometimes distressed behaviour.
The Thrive Approach® is appropriate for anyone working with children and young people - such as in education (individual schools through to multi-academy trusts (MATs)), social care, healthcare, community groups and local authorities, as well as for parents and carers.
Based on established neuroscience, attachment theory and child development, the Thrive Approach provides training and an online profiling and action-planning tool to equip adults with the knowledge, insights and resources needed to develop the relationships that help children and young people to flourish and learn.
So who get's Thrive ?
Everyone !! Though they might not realise. All our pupils have access to regular class based Thrive activities , most art and sport activities are taught within the Thrive approch and we use whole class activities to promote Thrive across our curriculum. But if your child needs additional Thrive time, one to one or in a small group due to confidence, communication or collaboration to suit their individual needs.
We use positive relationships, together with play and creative activities to give children key experiences at each different stage of their development, helping them to :
- Feel good about themselves and know that they matter.
- Increase their sense of security and trust.
- Increase their emotional well-being.
- Improve their capacity to be creative and curious.
- Increase their self esteem and confidence to learn.
- Learn to recognise and regulate feelings.
- Learn to think before behaving in a certain way.
- ........and much more.
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