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Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili

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Dysgwyr Mwy Abl a Thalentog (MATh) /

More Able and Talented Learners (MAT)


Yng Nghymru, mae'r term 'Mwy Abl a Thalentog’ yn cwmpasu tua 20% o gyfanswm y boblogaeth ysgol, ac yn cael ei ddefnyddio i ddisgrifio disgyblion sydd angen cyfoethogi ac ymestyn cyfleoedd ar draws y cwricwlwm er mwyn datblygu eu galluoedd mewn un neu fwy o feysydd. 'Cyflawni'r Her ' 2008


Mae nodi dysgwyr mwy galluog a thalentog yn cael ei gysylltu â'u cyd-destun ni waeth sut y mae galluoedd y dysgwyr hyn yn cymharu â rhai mewn ysgolion eraill.


Mae'r term 'mwy abl a thalentog' yn cynnwys dysgwyr sy'n fwy abl ar draws pynciau yn y cwricwlwm yn ogystal â'r rhai sy'n dangos talent mewn un neu fwy o feysydd penodol, a allai gynnwys meysydd ymarferol, creadigol a chymdeithasol o weithgarwch dynol.



In Wales, the term ‘More Able & Talented encompasses approximately 20% of the total school population and is used to describe pupils who require enriched and extended opportunities across the curriculum in order to develop their abilities in one or more areas. ‘Meeting the Challenge’ 2008


The identification of More Able and Talented learners is linked to their context regardless of how the abilities of these learners compare to those in other schools.


The term ‘more able and talented’ includes learners who are more able across subjects within the curriculum as well as those who show talent in one or more specific areas, which could include practical, creative and social fields of human activity.



Os credwch fod eich plentyn yn fwy galluog a thalentog beth allwch chi ei wneud?

  • Rhannwch wybodaeth gyda’r ysgol
  • Gofynnwch gwestiynau - yn enwedig os nad ydych yn deall


If you think your child is more able and talented what can you do?

  • Share information with the school- parent consultations are a good time to do this
  • Ask questions – especially if you don’t understand


Sut allwch chi gefnogi eich plentyn?

Mae yna nifer o bethau ymarferol gallwch wneud i gefnogi eich plentyn:

  • Neilltuwch amser bob dydd i siarad gyda'ch plentyn e.e. gwyliwch raglenni addysgiadol a thrafodwch am faterion cyfoes gyda'ch gilydd
  • Cymerwch amser i ddatblygu perthnasoedd cadarnhaol gyda'r ysgol ac athrawon eich plentyn
  • Anogwch ef/hi i geisio gweithgareddau a chlybiau newydd a chyfoethogwch brofiadau eich plentyn trwy annog ymweliadau e.e. ymweld ag amgueddfeydd, canolfannau gwyddoniaeth, gwarchodfeydd natur neu orielau celf
  • Darparwch adnoddau i gefnogi dysgu yn y tŷ e.e. rhyngrwyd, llyfrau, mapiau
  • Darllenwch bapur newydd cenedlaethol o safon
  • Anogwch eich plentyn i gymryd rhannu syniadau a bod yn rhan o benderfyniadau teuluol


How can you support your child?

There are many practical steps you can take to support your child:

  • Set time aside each day to talk with your child e.g. watch educational and current affairs programmes and discuss with them
  • Take the time to develop positive relationships with your child’s school and teachers.
  • Encourage him/her to sample new activities and broaden their experiences and encourage visits e.g. visit museums, science centres, nature reserves or art galleries
  • Provide resources to support learning at home e.g. internet, books, maps
  • Read a quality national newspaper
  • Encourage your child to take an active part in family decision-making


Professor Valsa Koshy - Seven steps parents and carers can take to help their children succeed


    Beth mae’r ysgol yn ei wneud i gefnogi eich plentyn?

    • Mae doniau a galluoedd y plant yn cael eu hadnabod ac mae’r holl staff yn ymwybodol o’u hanghenion dysgu penodol
    • Mae pob athro yn darparu gwaith/gweithgareddau heriol addas mewn gwersi
    • Nodir cyfleoedd allgyrsiol o fewn a thu allan i'r ysgol lle bo'n briodol
    • Mae’r ysgol yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â rhieni/gofalwyr a darparwyr


    What is the school doing to support your child?

    • Children’s talents and abilities are identified and all staff are aware of their specific learning needs
    • All teachers provide suitably challenging work/activities in lessons
    • Extra-curricular opportunities within and outside of school are identified where appropriate
    • The school works in partnership with parents/carers and providers



    Beth allaf ei wneud i helpu'r ysgol i gefnogi fy mhlentyn?

    Rydych chi'n ffactor pwysig yn natblygiad eich plentyn. Os oes unrhyw beth y teimlwch y dylem ei wybod, rhowch wybod i ni. Mae rhieni, athrawon ac yn bwysicaf oll plant i gyd yn elwa ar gyswllt da rhwng rheini ac yr ysgol.


    What can I do to help the school support my child?

    You are an important factor in the development of your child. If there is anything you feel we should know, for example, hidden abilities, please let us know. Parents, teachers and most importantly children all benefit from good school-parent liaison.



    Sut mae’r ysgol yn cynnwys rhieni: / How does the school involve parents:

    • Holiaduron Rhieni / Parental Questionnaires
    • Nosweithiau agored / Open Evenings
    • Adroddiadau / Reports
    • Gwaith Cartref / Homework
    • Llyfrau targed cartref / Home Target Books
    • Cefnogi plant i fynychu clybiau allgyrsiol/ Supporting children to attend extracurricular clubs
    • Cylchlythyrau, gwafan ysgol, negeseuon SIMS / Newsletters , School Website , SIMS messages
    • Defnyddio sgiliau rhieni i gefnogi clybiau  Using parents’ skills to support clubs 
    • Bore agored Maths a Iaith / Math and Language open mornings







    Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili oedd yr ysgol gynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg gyntaf i dderbyn Gwobr Her fawreddog NACE ar gyfer Dysgwyr Mwy Galluog a Thalentog. Rhoddir y wobr am waith o ansawdd uchel gan yr ysgol gyfan, yr athrawon a’r llywodraethwyr gan herio pob disgybl gan gynnwys y rhai â gallu uchel, i gyflawni eu gorau.


    Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili was the first Welsh-medium primary school to receive the prestigious NACE Challenge Award for More Able and Talented Learners. The award is given for high-quality work by the whole school, teachers and governors in challenging all pupils including those with high abilities, to achieve their best.


