Gweledigaeth a Gwerthoedd / Visions and Values
• Ysgol hapus a chroesawgar sy’n creu disgyblion iach a hyderus.
• Partneriaethau cryf rhwng disgyblion, staff, rhieni a’r gymuned.
• Disgyblion yn dod yn gyntaf.
• Disgwyliadau uchel sy’n creu disgyblion uchelgeisiol a galluog.
• Pawb yn gwneud eu gorau glas ac yn cyrraedd eu llawn potensial a chreu cyfranogwyr mentrus a chreadigol.
• Gwerthoedd clir sy’n creu dinasyddion egwyddorol a gwybodus.
• Happy and welcoming school that creates healthy and confident pupils.
• Good partnerships between pupils, staff, parents and the community.
• Pupils come first.
• High expectations which create enterprising and creative pupils.
• Everyone will strive to do their best and thereby reach their full potential and become ambitious capable learners.
• Clear values which create ethically informed citizens.