Cymorth Llythrennedd / Literacy Support
Bore darllen CC2 (blynyddoedd 2 + 3) / PS2 Literacy morning (Years 2 + 3)
Bore Darllen - Reading Morning - Nursery, Reception and Year 1
Adnoddau i gefnogi dysgu yn y ty / Resources to support learning at home - Tric a Chlic
Year 6 English Reading Comprehension
Adnoddau Ffoneg Saesneg / English Phonics Resources
Set 1 RWI Sounds
Set 1 RWI Tricky Sounds
Set 1 ‘Special Friends’ RWI Sounds
Set 2 RWI Sounds
Set 3 RWI Sounds
Set 1, 2 and 3 RWI Sounds
Cymorth Llythrennedd
Cymorth ac adnoddau i chi allu helpu'ch plentyn i ddatblygu sgiliau llythrennedd.
Literacy Support
Support and resources to allow you to help your child to develop literacy skills.