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Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili

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Croeso / Welcome

Croeso i Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili

Hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle i ddweud ychydig yn fwy am ein hysgol. Llwyddiant ein hysgol ni yw ein bod yn ysgol hapus, agored a chyfeillgar. Ein nod yw sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn hapus ac yn mwynhau dod i'r ysgol. I sicrhau hyn mae'n rhaid cael staff da ac yn fy marn i mae pob aelod o staff yn ymroddgar, proffesiynol ac yn barod i weithio'n galed er les pob plentyn yn yr ysgol. Mae'n bwysig bod gennych chi ddisgwyliadau uchel ohonom ni ac mae'n hanfodol bod gennym ni ddisgwyliadau uchel o'ch plant. Braf i ddweud bod arolygwyr Estyn yn y flwyddyn 2013-14 yn cytuno bod ein hysgol yn un hapus iawn a bod partneriaethau hynod effeithiol yn cael ei ddatblygu rhwng disgyblion, rhieni a’r ysgol er lles pob disgybl yn yr ysgol sy’n cael ei drin yn deg a chyfartal.
Er mwyn sicrhau bod eich plentyn yn cyrraedd ei lawn botensial o fewn ein hysgol mae'n rhaid sicrhau partneriaeth agos rhyngddo'ch chi fel rhieni, ni fel ysgol a'ch plentyn.
Mae'r ysgol yn flaengar yn ymestyn y cwricwlwm i blant ac felly rydym yn ysgol arloesol ar gyfer datblygu cwricwlwm newydd yn dilyn adroddiad ag argymhellion yr Athro Donaldson.  Rydym yn Ysgol yr Amgylchfyd ac wedi derbyn ein Baner Platinwm - ychydig iawn o ysgolion cynradd yng Nghymru sydd wedi llwyddo i wneud hyn. Rydym wedi derbyn Marc Safon Genedlaethol Ysgolion Iach yn sgil y gwaith arbennig rydym yn gwneud i gadw disgyblion a staff yn iach ac yn hapus. Canran bychan iawn o ysgolion yn y wlad sydd wedi llwyddo i gyrraedd y safonau uchel yma.
Rydym wedi bod yn Fuddsoddwr Mewn Pobl ers 2004. Yn sgil hyn mae pob aelod o staff yn cael ei ddatblygu i'w lawn botensial ac yn cael ei monitro'n rheolaidd i sicrhau bod safon y dysgu a'r addysgu yn ein hysgol yn uchel. Yn sgil hyn rydym yn gweithio’n agos gyda Chonsortiwm y De Ddwyrain a phrifysgolion i arwain cyrsiau sy’n helpu athrawon i ddatblygu’n broffesiynol.
Yn olaf ni oedd yr ysgol Gymraeg cyntaf yng Nghymru i ennill marc safon NACE am y ffordd rydym yn ymestyn pob disgybl yn yr ysgol ond yn arbennig y disgyblion mwyaf abl a thalentog.
Rydym yn ysgol gydag enw da iawn o fewn y gymuned ac rydym yn mawr obeithio y byddwch chi’n cysidro gyrru eich plant atom,
Yn gywir,
Mr Griffiths, Pennaeth


Dear Parent,
I would like to take this opportunity to say a little more about our school. The success of our school is based on the fact that we are a happy, open and friendly school. Our main aim is to ensure that all children are happy and enjoy coming to school. To ensure that this is the case we employ the very best teaching and support staff. All our staff work hard and are totally committed to the continued development of all the children within the school. It is essential that you as parents have high expectations of us as a school and we in turn have high expectations of your children. It is very pleasing that following our fourth successful Estyn inspection in 2013-14 the inspection team noted this as a clear strength of our school with all pupils treated fairly and equitably and thereby making strong progress.
In order to ensure that all our pupils reach their full potential at our school we have to secure productive partnerships between pupils, parents and the school community.
The school is proactive in enriching the curriculum to broaden children's experiences and consequently work as a pioneer school to develop the curriculum in line with Professor Donaldson’s report.  We are an Eco School and have been awarded the Platinum Flag which very few Welsh primary schools have managed to do. We have received the National Award for Healthy Schools for the excellent work that we do to ensure the wellbeing, health and happiness of our pupils and staff. Only a small minority of schools have achieved this accreditation. 
We have been an Investor in People since 2004. As a consequence all members of staff receive regular training to ensure that they are developed to their full potential and their work is regularly monitored to ensure that standards of teaching and learning at the school remain high. As a consequence we have been asked by the South East Wales consortium and local universities to run and support a variety of training programmes for teachers.
Lastly we were the first Welsh medium school in Wales to be awarded the NACE quality mark for the way that we challenge and support all pupils in our school and especially those able and talented pupils.
We are a school with a very strong reputation within the community and would be very pleased to know that you are considering enrolling your child at our school,
Yours faithfully,
Mr Griffiths, Head Teacher


