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Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili

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Beth mae ein teuluoedd yn dweud amdanon ni / What our families say about us

End of Year Parents Questionnaires


“We’re so pleased with YGC. My child is well supported and very happy in school. She has developed so much this year and is becoming more and more engaged with her learning. Communication is a particular strength - from class updates to wider school information. We also really appreciate Mr Griffiths’ (headmaster) presence every morning on the school gates - he knows all pupils and makes each child feel special. Diolch :)”


“Thank you doesn't seem enough! You have all helped our children develop to the best of their ability through the toughest times, making learning fun and motivating. The teachers are always happy and welcoming which equals happy children. Thank you very much!”


“The school is brilliant. Teachers are enthusiastic and supportive and really care about the children they teach. I wouldn’t want my child anywhere else!”


“We couldn’t be happier with the school and the support and hard work from teachers over what has been a difficult period. My child is thriving and this is down to the school.”


“We could not be happier with this school. Our children are constantly thriving here and have never had any issues. The personal touch provided by the headmaster and all teachers is second to none. The way this school has conducted its education services throughout a global pandemic is remarkable and the support given to parents and children through this time has been outstanding. I'm proud to say my children attend here. Thank you!”


“I cannot thank the school enough for such a fantastic environment for my child to thrive in. The support has always been superb and all teachers have been fantastic. Thank you!”


“We all love the school and could not be happier that our girls are here. Thank you all for your hard work and support throughout the year and particularly during the pandemic and lockdowns. You have all been amazing!”

