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Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili

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Cymorth Rhieni / Parent Support

Additional Learning Needs Transformation Wales / Trawsnewid Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol yng Nghymru

Bore TGCh Cyfnod Sylfaen / Foundation Phase ICT Morning

Bore rhieni - TGCh ICT - Presentation to parents.

Profion darllen a rhifedd yng Nghymru - Gwybodaeth i rieni/gofalwyr blwyddyn 2-9 / Information for parents/carers Yr 2-9 - Reading and Numeracy Tests in Wales

Education begins at home TV advert

Our television advertisement encourages parents and carers to take an interest in their child's learning and making them aware that the little things they do with their child at home, helps them in school.
