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Clwb TGCh / ICT Club

Dyma'n gwaith gwych! Here's our wonderful work!

Clwb TGCh yn defnyddio Google Slides i greu posteri “Dod i adnabod eich athro/ athrawes” / IT Club using Google Slides to create “Get to know your teacher” posters 💻 Ewch i dudalennau dosbarthiadau i weld ein gwaith gwych, Head to our class pages to see our wonderful work! 🌟

Clwb TGCh yn defnyddio Google Forms i greu holiaduron i athrawon / IT Club using Google Forms to make a questionnaire for teachers 💻

Clwb TGCh yn defnyddio Google Docs yn gydweithredol i feddwl am ac i deipio cwestiynau hoffwn wybod am eu hathrawon. IT Club using Google Docs collaboratively to think of and type questions they’d like to know about their teachers 💻
