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Meddwlgarwch / Mindfulness

Our school offers emotional support to all pupils whilst also providing the children with mindfulness techniques to bring a gentle, accepting attitude to the present moment.

Mrs Phillips & Mrs Powell have undertaken training to become mindfulness leaders. They deliver a 6 weeks PAWS B training for year 5 pupils. The training focuses on expressing feelings, dealing with stress and worry, mindfulness techniques and communicating any concerns in a safe environment. 


Here are some of the feedback from pupils who have taken part in the training:


‘I really enjoyed it and I will show my sisters the practices’

‘I loved mindfulness with Mrs Phillips and Mrs Powell’

‘It helped me a lot, thank you’


Following the training, pupils have the chance to become mindfulness leaders and lead sessions to our year 2 and 3 pupils whilst on the yard at lunchtime.


Sut i ddefnyddio techneg y blodyn

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Blwyddyn 5 yn rhannu profiadau am sut meant yn defnyddio’r blodyn.

Y blodyn \ Petal Practice

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