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Ymyraethau Lles / Wellbeing Interventions

Caring Canines 'dog therapy'


Unwaith bob pythefnos rydym yn lwcus iawn i Rosie neu Genie ymweld a ni yn yr Hafan, mae'r ddau yn mwynhau gwario amser gyda rhai o'n blant.


Mantesion 'dog therapy' yw i gwella hunan barch at pethau eraill sy'n byw.  Mae darllen i gi wedi cael ei brofi i helpu datblygu sgiliau llythrenydd a codi hyder gan bod ci yn gwrando ar y plentyn heb fod yn feirniadol.




Once a fortnight we are lucky enough to have a visit from Rosie or Genie the spaniel they love to spend time with some of our children at the Hafan !


The benefits of dog therapy are ; improves self-esteem and lifts moods, dogs can also teach compassion and respect for other living things as well as relieving anxiety.  Reading to a dog has been proven to help develop literacy skills and build confidence as a dog will listen to the child reading without being judgemental or critical. 

